by Eurow Microfiber
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Eurow Microfiber and its CleanAide brand brings you a cleaning solution for all spaces. Primarily used in the automotive detailing industry, these towels find their applications throughout the home or the office. Perfect for janitorial and industrial use. Whether it's in the cafeteria, the restroom, the gym or even the classroom, our color-coded approach effectively stops cross contamination and removes more bacteria than the traditional paper towel method. In fact, our towels can be washed and reused hundreds of times, eliminating the need for paper towels. Also, our towels require nothing but dampening with water for a chemical-free wash. Experience the superior dirt and grime collection with a lint and streak free finish every time. Microfiber works because the cloths have split wedge shaped fibers that grab and collect dirt as opposed to rounded fibers which only push contaminants and bacteria around. This pack contains 12 commercial grade microfiber towels. We're including 12 color coded towels, so that you can use in specific areas and avoid all possible cross contamination. Clearly differentiate between the dirtiest of domains (restrooms), the culinary kingdom (kitchen), the workout ward (gymnasiums), and the private sector (offices). The towels are a massive 16" x 16" and feature 300 GSM in a soft yet surprisingly durable terry weave.
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